My spiritual journey has been an ongoing thing for many many years. I was raised as a typical Southern Baptist Christian woman who was meant to be seen and not heard. I always knew that never felt authentic and right to me. Don’t read that wrong, I do believe in Jesus and God, I just don’t believe in the modern version that Christianity has become. I am so much more open-minded than my parents ever were. My mom has become more accepting over the years. My dad passed away before I could see that acceptance in him; however, being who I am, I know I have his acceptance now, too.

My beliefs stem from many different walks of life: true Christianity, witchcraft, Cherokee, and a multitude of different religions. I have a lot of crazy in my life, spiritually, and as I get more comfortable writing about it, I’ll share it here. I want to use the spiritual side of this blog to explore my own spirituality, as well as, maybe help guide others down their own path. We all have our journeys to take, and while we never really know where those roads may take us, part of the adventure is in the journey itself. I want to explore and share my journey with you all so that we both know we aren’t alone, and no one belief is the perfectly right one.


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